girl throwing a paper boat


The latest news from GFDRR
Showing results 21 - 30 of 268

Gaetano Vivo, Deputy Head of Unit for Prevention and Preparedness Capacity Building, DG ECHO, European Commission, shares his highlights and takeaways from the UR24 Global Forum held in June 2024 in Himeji, Japan.

GFDRR experts make the case for a concerted approach to prepare transport systems from extreme heat.

The World Bank's Enhancing Fiscal Management and Building Disaster and Climate Resilience Development Policy Operation (DPO) aims to contribute to the Republic of the Marshall Islands' sustainable and resilient development. GFDRR contributed technical assistance funding and knowledge, enabling the country to strengthen its fiscal management and enhance its disaster and climate resilience. (LinkedIn)

Exploring advanced technologies and case studies to improve school infrastructure resilience.
With GFDRR support, a World Bank project will bolster flood mitigation and resilience in Burundi.

According to the World Bank's rapid Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) report, which benefited from GFDRR's financial and technical support, $230 million is needed to address the recovery efforts following the devastating 2023 Deyr floods in Somalia.


Through GFDRR's Disaster and Climate Risk Data Fellowship, young climate researchers and data scientists contributed significantly to improving disaster and climate risk knowledge for their communities.


A study titled Ukraine: Impact of the War on Agriculture Profitability was recently conducted by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, in cooperation with the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB) and with the support of GFDRR. The Ministry highlighted the study in a news release. A key finding of the study is overall, profitability levels for grains and oilseeds in Ukraine improved in 2023 compared to 2022, but low global prices prevented the industry from achieving tangible profitability.


This podcast on BBC shares how in Japan, automated drones are being developed to mitigate the risks posed by tsunamis and earthquakes.

Challenges and solutions for disaster risk management of floods that can disrupt school activities.