The Digital Earth Partnership aims to enhance the resilience of vulnerable countries and communities to climate change and natural hazard disasters through greater access to and adoption of frontier earth observation tools & services.

This will be achieved by developing and transferring global knowledge, mobilizing key partnerships, and providing operational support to client-executed and Bank activities in the production and use of earth observation for resilience.

The initial key partner of Digital Earth is the European Space Agency (ESA) through a cooperation framework linked to the ESA Global Development Assistance (GDA) program.

Climate resilient development is especially reliant on stakeholders' abilities to use accurate and timely information about our changing climate, environment and livelihoods, for risk aware insights and risk reduction actions. Through knowledge building and partnership development, Digital Earth will focus on providing demand driven data services for spatial monitoring, decision support, and risk management activities prompted by client governments and their beneficiaries: activities that are locally appropriate, affordable, actionable, scalable, and sustainable.

GFDRR established a decade of leadership and experience from GFDRR Innovation Labs and Open Data for Resilience Initiative with convening power in both public and private entities around innovative approaches to data collection, particularly in the realm of geospatial technology (Open CitiesThinkHazardRisk Data LibraryGeonode). Digital Earth will continue to promote this broader view of the Digital Earth ecosystem while also scaling up its partnership with the ESA to access state-of-the-art satellite and image analysis services to monitor and digitize the changing earth. The focus of this thematic area will be to ensure local participation and capacity building and develop local risk information services that are demand-centered and have the opportunity to scale.  

As the revolution in sensing technologies, machine learning capabilities and software analytics advances, stakeholders also seek support in addressing potential unintended harms of a digital transition. Standards and guidance are needed with regard to the digital divides, potential biases and ethical considerations of artificial intelligence. The rapid pace of change of technology and need to transfer knowledge and localize service validation drives a need for more co-creation models. As such, Digital Earth aims to become a partnership across technology and development actors, as well as local and global stakeholders and between traditional and new approaches.

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How GFDRR's Digital Earth team helps countries with risk data collection, management, and sharing.

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The work co-led by our Digital Earth team was highlighted as a Case Study and launched at COP29.

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Investing in digital public goods that can help society tackle big challenges like climate change.

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Empowering communities to create high-quality aerial imagery for disaster risk reduction.

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Young people made a tremendous impact on their communities through this fellowship program.

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Results in Resilience

Combining AI and Earth observation with local knowledge and expertise.

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Results in Resilience

Engaging with local communities to manage flood risk in the Cambodian capital.

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Providing at-risk youth with opportunities to develop digital skills through a public works model.

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Online Course

An online course examining how Earth observation can benefit international development assistance.

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Digital public goods can transform how climate risks are managed and support innovation globally.

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On the creation, promotion, use, and protection of digital public goods for disaster risk reduction.

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Using data for creative co-creation with local communities, universities, and end users.

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Mainstreaming and operationalizing satellite-based environmental data.

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This white paper explores the many facets of OpenStreetMap in development and its sustainability.

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Improving our recovery efforts to bring about more resilient recovery is a critical step towards risk reduction. Building back better will improve the lives of those living with risk, and also reduce the impact of disasters in the future. This document is a conscious step in that direction. Born of the common desire across all contributing organizations to see more systematic use of satellites during the recovery process, its principal aim is to increase awareness of what is being done today, and also to raise the profile of opportunities for increased benefit.

This advocacy paper is the first step in a broader opportunity to collaborate on the establishment of a generic Recovery Observatory (RO) capability, which offers unique advantages to the international recovery community and warrants further exploration and development.

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CRP PLaylist

Watch the Digital Earth videos playlist on YouTube

Key Contacts
Edward Anderson
Senior Disaster Risk Management, Program Lead​
Pierre Chrzanowski
Disaster Risk Management Specialist