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The latest insights on resilience and disaster risk management
Showing results 221 - 230 of 369

In this video, Ede Ijjasz-Vasquez (@Ede_WBG), Senior Director of the World Bank’s Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice and Lesley Cordero, Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist in the World Bank’s Philippine office, discuss the lessons learned from Typhoon Yolanda and how the Philippine government and other countries can better respond to future disasters.


The experiences of Fiji, the Marshall Islands, and Tuvalu illustrate how a smart combination of global data, local information, and adaptive approaches can help generate the vital risk information that allows decision-makers to build their country’s resilience. 


The Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project (UDRP) helped rebuild 2,382 more resilient houses based on the owner-driven housing reconstruction model, which allows families to rebuild according to their specific needs. This community-driven approach is important as women are typically at greater risk from natural hazards than men, particularly those who are poor and live in low-income countries


The Understanding Risk community will convene at the Understanding Risk Forum 2018 May 14–18 in Mexico City. The Forum will highlight best practices, facilitate nontraditional partnerships, and showcase the latest technical knowledge in disaster risk identification


The fifth round of social impacts monitoring (SIM) of the impacts of Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar offers unparalleled insights into how the devastating storm has altered the trajectory of affected regions a decade after the disaster.




From cloud computing to the internet of things, state-of-the-art weather forecasting tools are helping communities minimize the risk of flooding.


Communicating the risk of volcanic eruptions to communities is a complex task. Here are a few key lessons we've learned from recent experiences on the challenges of communicating volcanic risk.


Floods account for 43% of all recorded disaster events in the past 20 years. Will climate change exacerbate flooding events? How much will sea level rise? How extreme will rainfall be? What we do know is that the best way to cope with uncertainty is flexibility.


The need for urban resilience is urgent, the funding gap intimidating, the challenges complex. But if cities and investors can team up with the help of multilateral institutions, the cities of the world will be much closer to achieving resilience.


Recognizing the cross-border nature of climate and disaster risks in the region, the countries of South Asia are pursuing a regional approach to building hydromet capacity.