yellow sunset


The latest insights on resilience and disaster risk management
Showing results 31 - 40 of 369
St. Lucia is prone to climate-induced events, including hurricanes, flooding, droughts and wildfires
Communities in Africa are predicted to experience intense impacts from climate change.
GFDRR is using innovative tools to support the inclusion of disaster risk reduction.
A warmer planet is exacerbating the impact of natural hazards.
Disasters impact women, girls, persons with disabilities, ethnic and racial minorities.
Women are the ones who caretake for vulnerable and disabled at the household and community levels.
Japan and WB are working with developing countries to boost resilience in infrastructure projects.
When private companies are affected by disasters, the impacts are felt by the whole society.
Using machine learning to predict the spatial distribution of employment in cities.

The COVID-19 global pandemic has challenged the world in so many ways. While the race for vaccine development and deployment absorbed much of our attention, extended lockdowns transformed our way of working, living, and interacting with others.

As we learned how to live with the new contactless dynamics, various industries were finding new mechanisms to cope with the virtual way of operations and to find innovative solutions for business continuity.

The disruptions to our daily routines have not only decreased face-to-face interactions, but also impacted the traditional approaches to delivering capacity building, knowledge exchange, and peer-to-peer learning.