girl throwing a paper boat


The latest news from GFDRR
Showing results 131 - 140 of 242

Major international partnerships under the Lima to Paris Action Agenda (LPAA) are mobilising funds to protect people who are the most vulnerable from climate impacts. - See more at:…


Climate change could plunge tens of millions of city dwellers into poverty in the next 15 years, threatening to undo decades of development efforts, the World Bank said Wednesday. Fast-growing cities, particularly in the developing world, are ill-prepare


A ministerial event at the United Nations climate change conference (COP23) was presented with the first results from the Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) initiative.


The Bangladeshi government Monday signed an agreement with the World Bank to get 140 million U.S. dollars' credit to improve and strengthen critical disaster prevention infrastructure in the coastal areas of the country


A soon-to-be-released GFDRR report, Building Regulation for Resilience: Managing Risks for Safer Cities, offers a blueprint for how developing countries can strengthen their regulations and reduce both loss of life and property when disaster strikes.


As the skies open up with heavy rain and the water rises dangerously behind the Nangbeto hydropower dam in rural Togo, local authorities face a tough decision...


The World Bank approved an International Development Association (IDA) grant of $10 million to support Sierra Leone in its efforts to recover from severe landslides and floods in Freetown in August 2017. The Freetown Emergency Recovery Project is informed by a GFDRR-supported Damage and Loss Assessment.


Leaders are coming together to discuss how vulnerable countries can better prepare and protect hard won development gains by establishing recovery strategies and processes before disaster strikes.


Efforts to rebuild following a series of massive earthquakes that struck Nepal one year ago.


Making cities accessible and inclusive for all people, including persons with disabilities, is an essential component of the New Urban Agenda, adopted at the recent Habitat III Conference in Quito, Ecuador on October 17-20.