Past Events
The Fall 2020 Consultative Group (CG) meeting of GFDRR, chaired by the Government of India and the World Bank, will take place virtually through Webex on Wednesday, December 9, 2020.
The third edition of Deep Tech Summit is a convening of thought-leaders and industry practitioners who are committed to harnessing science and technology innovation to help the world emerge more resilient and sustainable after the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Partnership Forum is one of the bodies of the InsuResilience Global Partnership. Its annual meeting, the Global Partnership Forum, is the largest gathering of members from across the globe. The event brings together all members and partners of the InsuResilience Global Partnership – from governments to representatives of international organizations, civil society, the private sector and academia. It serves as a platform to exchange experience and knowledge and raise awareness about risk finance and insurance by engaging all stakeholders of the Partnership in an inclusive way.
CRP hosted a 4-day workshop for eight metropolitan municipalities in South Africa on resilient capital investment planning. The workshop allowed city decision-makers to explore climate resilience as a component of investment planning and prioritization, and conceptualize ways the private sector may help move these ideas to implementation.
CRP participated in a session ran by GFDRR’s Risk Data Library team illustrating how the Risk Data Library helps the City Scan streamline data production and generate new data and information. By combining hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and loss data together through a consistent schema, the Risk Data Library makes it easier to work with various sources of disaster risk information and build more efficient data workflows, catalogs and tools.
CRP co-ran with GFDRR Labs an interactive session teaching participants, including city officials, to recombine geospatial layers for insights into risks and resilient urban planning through the cities of Banjul, The Gambia; Cap-Haitien, Haiti; and Douala, Cameroon. Innovations in earth observation and geospatial analysis allow planners to gain new insights into current and future risk. With the right knowledge, they can get ahead of future vulnerability.
The TechEmerge Resilience India Matchmaking Event brings together members of different Indian Government Disaster Management Authorities with technology innovators handpicked by a global jury of subject matter experts - in order to find solutions and address some of the biggest challenges in Disaster Management and Resilience, especially in a COVID-19 environment.
The World Bank and Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery will discuss their new tool to overlay conflict and disaster risks in order to help practitioners and governments to build disaster resilience in fragile states. Participants will have an opportunity to see a trial of the tool and discuss potential uses around the world.