
This page highlights a selection of the most important and useful analytical services, tools and practical guidance notes for Urban, DRM, and Land. These products support task teams in policy dialogue, project identification and preparation, and in the preparation of ASAs.

Analytical services, in this case, refer to diagnostics that the Global Urban, DRM, and Land teams can help regional teams implement through cross-support. In addition to URL developed tools, this page also includes a handful of important tools that have been developed by the IFC and/or external partners that are in current active use by URL teams.

The page is organized into three sections: DRM, Urban, and Land. These services and tools have been curated by the corresponding global teams. Please note that there is an overlapping of themes across the sections. For example, various services/tools related to climate analysis are present in all sections.

There are over 80 services and tools in the database that can be easily navigated through search and filter functions below. 

Please find in this link useful additional resources that includes mainly guidance notes.


The focal points are: Zoe Trohanis (DRM;; Mark Roberts ( & Nancy Lozano Gracia ( (Urban); and Mika-Petteri Torhonen ( (Land).

Disaster-FCV Nexus Deep Dive

The Disaster-FCV Nexus Deep Dive is a quantitative assessment of disaster-FCV co-location complemented by qualitative assessment of causal mechanisms.

Time Required for delivery: 3-6 months 

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E-health Accessibility

This analysis provides a measure for the feasibility of e-health services, by combining population data, network connectivity data and survey data for internet and communication devices.

Time Required for delivery: 2-6 months

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Economic Cost-benefit and Rebuild Analysis

The economic analysis focuses on the comparison of the costs of interventions vs. the costs associated through a no-action scenario, where people and health facilities are not preparing any additional disaster resilience strengthening activities. 

Time Required for delivery: 3-4 weeks

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Economic Potential Index (EPI) Analysis

This benchmarking analysis evaluates the economic potential of sub-national regions and/or cities, assessing productivity characteristics, comparative strengths, and untapped economic potential using global and local data.

Time required for delivery: 1-3 months (depending on level of sophistication)

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EDGE (“Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies”)

This low carbon planning tool and green building certification developed by the IFC helps clients reduce emissions, save resources, capture incentives, and attract capital while future-proofing against regulatory changes.

Applications: EDGE has been used in 111 countries. See EDGE website for a comprehensive overview of applications.

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Employment distribution in urban areas exposed to natural hazards

This assessment uses proxy data to determine the spatial distribution of jobs in urban areas. It uses a methodology that has been successfully tested and validated against employment data in 14 cities across Latin America and the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Time Required for delivery: 1 - 3 weeks (depending on other commitments)

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Energy Infrastructure Exposure Analysis

The Energy Infrastructure Exposure Analysis provides a preliminary examination of the potential resilience challenges facing various types of existing and planned energy infrastructure.

Time Required for delivery: 2-3 weeks

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