
This page highlights a selection of the most important and useful analytical services, tools and practical guidance notes for Urban, DRM, and Land. These products support task teams in policy dialogue, project identification and preparation, and in the preparation of ASAs.

Analytical services, in this case, refer to diagnostics that the Global Urban, DRM, and Land teams can help regional teams implement through cross-support. In addition to URL developed tools, this page also includes a handful of important tools that have been developed by the IFC and/or external partners that are in current active use by URL teams.

The page is organized into three sections: DRM, Urban, and Land. These services and tools have been curated by the corresponding global teams. Please note that there is an overlapping of themes across the sections. For example, various services/tools related to climate analysis are present in all sections.

There are over 80 services and tools in the database that can be easily navigated through search and filter functions below. 

Please find in this link useful additional resources that includes mainly guidance notes.


The focal points are: Zoe Trohanis (DRM;; Mark Roberts ( & Nancy Lozano Gracia ( (Urban); and Mika-Petteri Torhonen ( (Land).

Access to Land in South Asia - The World Bank Guidance Note

The Guidance Note offers strategies to improve land administration in South Asia, emphasizing responsible development and value creation through renewable energy, transit-oriented development, and affordable housing investments.

Applications: Applied to various SAR PASA and business development engagements

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Assessment of Extreme Heat Impacts at the City Level

This assessment quantifies current and future heat exposure through climate modeling and/or field observations. Outputs include spatially explicit heat maps for present-day, mid-century and late-century periods under selected climate change scenarios. It also presents key sectoral impacts.

Time Required for delivery: 2 months

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Asset Resilience 360

The AR360 service is designed to help task teams and clients prioritize actions to enhance disaster and climate risk resilience across a capital investment’s lifecycle, with a particular focus on long-term governance, including operations and maintenance.

Time Required for delivery: 2-3 months

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Building Regulatory Capacity Assessment (BRCA)

The Building Regulatory Capacity Assessment (BRCA) is a methodology to help countries and cities assess their building and land use regulatory frameworks (including implementation capacity) and identify opportunities for priority reforms and improvements that support resilient, green and inclusive built environment.

Time Required for delivery: 3-4 months

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Building Resilience Index

This app-based tool identifies natural hazards and vulnerabilities for buildings, suggesting mitigation measures and using a letter grade system to communicate resilience.

Hazards covered: Wind, water, fire & geo-seismic risks

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Capital High Impact Prioritization (CHIP)

CHIP is a digital platform that streamlines spatially informed investment prioritization for cities, aligning projects with budget planning and strategic spatial goals to maximize impact and promote economic growth and resilience.

Time required for delivery: Depends on the level of effort

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Cities for Jobs & Growth Benchmarking

This tool benchmarks a city's economy and related conditions against peers, using Oxford Economics data and geospatial sources, to aid early client discussions and program scoping, with an updated version due in Fall 2025.

Time required for delivery: 1-2 weeks

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